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Empower Orphans and Widows

Empower Orphans and Widows, doing our part in following the Lord’s Heart

“True spirituality that is pure in the eyes of our Father God is to make a difference in the lives of the orphans and widows in their troubles.” – James 1:27 (TPT)

The Michael Foundation invites you to join our mission of empowering orphans and widows in the Middle East for social impact. We are committed to providing these vulnerable populations with the resources and support they need to build brighter futures.

Our Impact on the Ground
Through partnerships with organizations like Bayt Al Ragaa in Egypt and Noah’s Trust, the Michael Foundation is making a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals:

Bayt Al Ragaa:
This haven in Egypt provides a safe and nurturing environment for over 30 orphaned children and youth. Beyond shelter, we offer education, healthcare, skill development, and psychosocial support, empowering them to reach their full potential.

Noah’s Trust:
This organization extends a helping hand to widows and orphans in the region, many of whom face social isolation and economic hardship. Noah’s Trust provides essential resources, vocational training, and emotional support, enabling them to rebuild their lives.

Your Contribution Makes a Difference
With your generous support, we can amplify our impact and continue offering critical services to these vulnerable populations. Your donation will help us:

Support Street and Working Children: Provide food and essential support to street and working children, aiming to bring as many as possible under the orphanage’s care.

Expand Educational Opportunities: Provide scholarships, learning materials, and access to quality education for orphans.

Empower Widows Through Skills Training: Equip widows with valuable skills to secure employment and achieve financial independence.

Offer Comprehensive Healthcare: Ensure access to medical care and promote the well-being of orphans and widows.

Provide Ongoing Psychosocial Support: Address the emotional impact of loss and help them build resilience.

Together, We Can Build a Brighter Future
Every contribution, big or small, fuels our mission of creating lasting change. By joining this campaign, you become a partner in empowering individuals and fostering hope in the Middle East.

How You Can Help

Donate: No matter the size, your contribution directly supports our critical work.

Become an Advocate: Lend your voice to this cause and inspire others to join us.

Together, we can create a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive and every widow finds the support they deserve.

[Donate Now] and empower lives in the Middle East.

Contact Us
For campaign updates and stories of hope from the beneficiaries we serve, reach out to us at:


Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to making a difference in the lives of orphans and widows in the Middle East. Together, we can build a brighter future.